Insurance Coverage:

http://sisc.kern.org Eligible LUSD employees are provided with health care coverage under Self-Insured Schools of California - SISC. Foundation for Medical Care is the medical insurance administrator for physicians; Anthem Blue Cross is the carrier. To contact the Foundation for Medical Care regarding coverage and claims you may call 1-800-668-5502. To order additional insurance cards, you may contact SISC III at 800-972-1727. Please refer to the SISC Health and Welfare website for further details.

SISC requires the following documentation to be submitted with all enrollments:

  • A copy of the marriage certificate is required for all new spouses of current employees and at the time of hire for spouses of new employees.
  • A copy of your federal tax return confirming filing status for married employees of current employees and at time of hire for new employees.
  • A copy of the birth certificate will be required for all newborns within 30 days of birth of current employees and at time of hire for all dependents.
Benefit Plan Brochures

Brochures including specific coverage for medical, dental, and vision can be found here.

Medical Provider:

Anthem / Blue Cross PPO Insurance Lindsay Unified offers Anthem/Blue Cross insurance to eligible employees. To access a list of Anthem Blue Cross health care providers, you may go to the Anthem Blue Cross website. You will need to register as a user the first time you visit this website. It is advantageous to go to a participating provider. Employees are able to go online to print a temporary medical insurance card to be used until they receive their card which is issued by SISC. Please refer to the Anthem/Blue Cross website for further details.

Dental Provider:

Delta Dental | Group Number - Delta Dental: 0508 2079A https://www.deltadental.com/ Lindsay Unified offers Delta Dental coverage to eligible employees and their eligible dependents. Annual maximum benefits renew every January. It is advantageous to go to a participating provider. Delta Dental has a website where an enrollee may check benefits and eligibility, print a customized ID card, or find a nearby dentist or check to see if their dentist is a Delta dentist. Please refer to the Delta Dental website for further details. The Delta Dental Online Customer service can be reached at 800-765-6003.

Vision Provider:

http://www.vsp.com Lindsay Unified offers VSP vision coverage to eligible employees. For customer service or to find a VSP network doctor please refer to the VSP Vision Plan website for further details.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP):

LUSD employees who receive health benefits under Anthem Blue Cross are eligible for free, confidential, professional Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). EAP provides problem evaluation, referral, and short-term intervention services for help in dealing with issues such as: stress, anxiety, and depression; divorce and separation; conflict in the workplace; care of elderly parents; alcohol or drug concerns; parent-child issues; family/relationship concerns; grief and loss; financial problems; life change; illness and disability; and domestic abuse. To request an appointment, call 1-800-999-7222.