Learn About SARB
Student Attendance Review Board
What SARB is not:
- A magic wand that will automatically cure the problem meant to be used as a punishment.
- A criminal proceeding.
- A scare tactic.
- A function of the Probation Department.
What SARB is:
- A function of the school district.
- A legal hearing.
- A mediation process between district personnel, board members, offending student(s) and their parent(s), in an attempt to find avenues and options to help the child be successful.
- To inform parents of the laws and their legal responsibilities.
- The last step before the school site refers the students case to the District Office to file a criminal complaint against the parent.
Purpose of SARB:
- Process to deal with attendance/behavior issues that site staff have been unable to correct.
- Pre-court mediation.
- First step in the legal process.
- A process that may lead to a Community Day School placement.
History of SARB
The School Attendance Review Board was created by an act of the California Legislature due to Municipal Courts being bottle necked with criminal cases. School Attendance Review Boards now operate under very specific rules outlined in the California Education Code.
Prior to the formation of SARB, a school district would make a direct referral to the District. Attorney's Office who would review the complaint and, if appropriate, take the case to court.