City WiFi
Over the next half a year, LUSD spoke with and vetted solutions brought forth by numerous organizations trying to help LUSD make real its vision.
In August of 2015, LUSD began work with supporting parties to begin the Lindsay Unified School District Community Wi-Fi Project.
- Project completion: <365 days
- 400 anticipated residential installations
- 6 apartment complexes throughout Lindsay, CA
- 2 city parks
- McDermont Field House
- We were soon able to start mapping our community coverage: view the following images for coverage maps.
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City WiFi
In Lindsay, CA we're striving to create a real 21st century classroom. "What is a 21st century classroom" you may ask. Our re-imagining of the traditional classroom and bringing it into the 21st century isn't just about what we're doing within the four wall Learners have grown accustomed to, the classroom is the world we live in. We have the tools, now let's make the most of them. We're bringing endless online resources and distance learning not only to our schools, but to wherever our Learners may be.
- In December of 2014, Lindsay USD reached out with a plea for support:
September 2015
November 2015