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Community WiFi Current Updates
Community WiFi Current Updates
Updates As Of 03/02/2018
We have done over 126 in home installations since December 18th. If you are still experiencing issues, please give us a call to set up a service call appointment. We are currently not doing installations but should pick up again around April. Our waitlist is around 30. Please look for us as we go to different sites at our Wi-Fi informational booth.
Updates As of 01/02/2018
Our current active installation waitlist is about 60; if you haven't submitted an application there is still time! You can also call (559) 562-5111 ext. 9434 (WiFi) to find out where you are on the waitlist.
We have been actively upgrading our service towers over these last two months to better serve everyone for this undertaking that has grown much larger than anyone anticipated. If you've experienced degraded service in the last month or two, we may simply need to dispatch a technician to better align your dish. IT IS IMPORTANT NOT TO PRESS THE RESET BUTTON ON YOUR ROUTER. Please give us a call to help you get connected.
After two years of planning and development, LUSD's second area LTE tower is being constructed and is anticipated to be complete by mid-February. Check here for future updates.
The LUSD Community Wi-Fi Project has grown 3X initial projections! We thank our community for all your support and rely heavily on all feedback we're able to receive.