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Lindsay Diabetes Project
Lindsay Diabetes Project
The Lindsay Diabetes Project is a collaborative effort through Healthy Kids-Healthy Lindsay and a number of stakeholders that includes health care providers, community-based organizations, and community members. The project is funded through the Lindsay Hospital Board and the mission is to optimize the health of Lindsay residents affected by diabetes through a comprehensive, culturally sensitive, family-centered approach. This approach includes providing a 6-week educational series based on Project Dulce curriculum conducted by bicultural/bilingual Promotoras, linking them to health/social services, physical activity opportunities and providing ongoing support through monthly support groups. In addition to this, participants will have the opportunity to work with a Pharmacist to review their medications. For more information please call 559-562-8292 or click on the link below for our website.
Proyecto De Lindsay Sobre La Diabetes
Este proyecto brinda servicios para residentes de Lindsay con Diabetes y sus familiares. Los servicios incluyen clases sobre cómo cuidar de su diabetes, clases de actividad física, grupos de apoyo y una revisión de sus medicamentos por un Farmecéutico. Para mas informacion favor llame al 559-562-8292 o haga clic abajo para nuestro sitio web.