District News
COVID-19 Mitigation Plan
AUGUST 11, 2020 The Lindsay Unified School District adopted Board Policy 0470 COVID-19 Mitigation Plan in order to establish actions that will be taken by the district to provide a safe learning and working environment during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and shall supersede any conflicting language in existing district policies or administrative regulations until the Governing Board determines that the need for this policy no longer exists. The Board acknowledges that, due to the evolving nature of the pandemic, federal, state, and local orders impacting district operations are subject to change without notice. In the event that any federal, state, or local order may conflict with this policy, the order shall govern.
Click here for a list of resources that may be reviewed by employees for questions specific to the Coronavirus disease 2019. Any concerns related to COVID-19 should be emailed to covid@lindsay.k12.ca.us.